Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Square Cow Moovers - The BEST Austin Texas Moving Company

I am member of the Austin Board of Realtors - Professional Development and Education Committee and recently met a gentleman by the name of Wade Lombard with Square Cow Moovers. He was asked to provide lunch for our committee of 100 and give a short synopsis of what his company was all about.

I've heard several companies say how great they are and give me trickets to entice me to utilize their services, but Wade did exactly the opposite. He came to the meeting telling us about his company, how they've modeled their company and what wouldn't happen if I sent a client his direction.

Since the meeting, I've referred three clients to Wade Lombard with Square Cow Moovers and two out of the three have utilized his services. One decided to use a family friend to eliminate the moving cost burden from her budget. Wade personally calls or emails me to thank me for the referral whether or not the client has agreed to utilize Square Cow Moovers. Each time Wade Lombard or one of his partners have met with one of my clients, I always receive a phone call from the client thanking me for the referral of Square Cow Moovers. Their prices are affordable and actually have under cut their competitors without undercutting their service. The service doesn't stop there. After my client is completely moved into their new home, I hear from Wade another time. He is calling to follow up to hear my clients thoughts about their moving experience.

Does your preferred mover give your clients this level of service? If not, I HIGHLY suggest giving Wade Lombard a call. Visit
Square Cow Moovers to obtain contact information. I urge you to send one client to them for their moving needs and I can GUARANTEE you'll send all future clients to Square Cow Moovers too! They can even move your out of city or state clients!!!

I love this
Square Cow Mooving video they put together.

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